Friday, January 26, 2007

Me and My Toys

I'm not sure that I should write this story or not at the first time. It will look like I use this blog as a complaining place. At last, I decide to write it because I want to express my thought at this moment. So I can recall in the future that what I have done in the past.

I have collected the toy of japanese comic for 2 years. I bought everything that look nice for my favourite comic. I collects "Saint Seiya", "Dragonball", "Bleach", "Naruto", and more. I've wasted money more than a hundred thousand Baht. since I bought the first one. I don't have a showcase to put all of my things, you know? But I keep buy it constantly. I unpacked it and played it for 2-3 times. Then, I packed it and put it in the box. At that moment, I feeled happy and very relieve. I have many friends who are the collectors. We have a little community. It's very fun. This is my feeling at last 2 years.

Recently, I feel bored with these things. I have to update when all the things will release, what's new one, etc. I have to find the way to get it. Some are not for sale in Thailand. Some are campaign. You have to do this or do that before you can buy it. Importantly, there are a lot of cheating of the sellers. They use every way to make a profit. Someone acted like your friend in the community but he can stab your back at the end. Maybe this statement is too over. This is one example that occured directly to me. One of my "friend" in community promised me to buy one thing for me. Later, he ignored me and put it for sale. Anyway, I still talk to him (but less than before) because I think it's just a toy, not a million dollar stock. This is my feeling now.

Someone might think that I will give up collecting toys. That's NO WAY! I will continue my collection. But I think I will select only my truely favorite. I won't be that mad who collect everything without consider.

That's it for today. Sorry if this story make you bored.

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