Thursday, March 15, 2007

I got roseola infantum.

The roseola infantum, also called as "sixth disease" or "three day fever", is a disease caused by two human herpesviruses, HHV-6(Human Herpesvirus Six) and HHV-7, also called Roseolovirus. Simple explanation, it caused by virus. Let talk about symptom, it begins with sudden high fever. After a few days the fever gone, the patient appears to be recovering. Everything looks seem back to normal but a few hours later a red rash appears. And it will disappear after a few days.

So this is what I faced with today. A red spot all over my body, my face, my arm, and everywhere. It's not a dangerous disease. I will be back to normal in this few days. Don't worry everyone.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Series Fever

Haven't seen this blog been updated for a while. Have you ever wonder what the hell the writer doing? Today you will find out the answer... after the break. Oh sorry that I act like Ryan Seacrest, the American Idol's host.

Many people might guess from the title of the post that I'm the series addicted now. I have watched 5 series over 100 episodes. I started from Heroes, Desparate Housewife, Grey's Anatomy, Nip Tuck and the most favourite right now Prison Break. Today I'm very lazy and tired. Next time I will tell you more about these series.

If you have any favourite series that you want to recommend me, don't hesitate to tell me. Have a good day and good series.